5 Essential Updates You Should Do Before Selling Your Candlewood Lake Waterfront Home

5 Essential Updates You Should Do Before Selling Your Candlewood Lake Waterfront Home


Before you show your home to buyers looking for Candlewood Lake waterfront homes for sale, it will be helpful to do some upgrades which can boost the value of your property. These updates will also make your home stand out from the rest of the competition. Here are some home improvement projects that you should do before listing your home:

Add more value to your Candlewood Lake home for sale with these 5 home improvements.

Update the bath

Next to the kitchen, bathrooms are usually the most important part of the home to update. If you have a large budget, you can purchase a new toilet seat and a new pedestal sink. Not only are they easy for homeowners to install, they can also make a huge difference in the look of the bath. You may also replace old, discolored bathroom flooring with easy-to-apply vinyl tiles or small pieces of sheet vinyl. To make your tub and shower look spotless and new, you may re-grout the tile and replace any chipped tiles.

Choose energy efficient appliances

Another way to add value to your home is by replacing old appliances with energy-efficient models. Use Energy Star-rated appliances because they are better for the environment and help you save money because they use less energy. Having energy efficient appliances is an advantage because most buyers often look for ways to save money when shopping for homes for sale in Candlewood Lake.

Create multiple seating areas

Having second or multiple seating areas can also add instant value to your home. Look indoor for free space which can be used for a formal dining setting. With the addition of an outdoor table and patio furniture, a terrace can become an instant second dining room. In addition to that, the furniture emphasizes the size of the space and creates a destination.

Give your front yard a makeover

Giving your front yard a facelift can boost your home’s value. Adding some color to your planters or keeping your front yard looking fresh is an inexpensive way to add curb appeal. Remember that in the case of a home sale, a book is often judged by its cover. Make sure your home’s exterior shows that you take pride in our home and in your neighbourhood. It is also a sure way to make your home stand out from the rest of waterfront homes in Candlewood Lake.

Update your plumbing

If you have old, rusty iron pipes, it might be time to replace the plumbing. Keep in mind that an appraiser takes the plumbing into serious consideration when assigning value to a home. Today, updating your plumbing is no longer a huge undertaking. It can now be done with PEX (basically plastic tubing) that is reliable and can be run through your walls like an extension cord which means there will be less holes and less mess.

Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeHomesforSale.com today for more home selling tips and suggestions.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Waramaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.

How to Start a Bidding War on Your Waterfront Home in Candlewood Lake

How to Start a Bidding War on Your Waterfront Home in Candlewood Lake


As a seller of Candlewood Lake homes, you need to know how to attract the attention of buyers. It would also be helpful if you have a strategy on how to start a bidding war to get the best offer for your home.

Start a home bidding war for your Candlewood Lake home buyers, here's how!

Read on for some tips on how to start a bidding war on your property and get the best offer possible.

Create a website for your home

You can use the Internet and social networking sites to create a buzz about your home, which would more likely result to a bidding war. Having a website allows you to post pictures of your home and gives you the ability to share the link on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, and anywhere else prospective buyers may be hanging out. Since majority of buyers search for houses online, having an online presence increases the chances of getting seen and starting a bidding war. A website just for your house is a powerful tool that could help drive interest to your home.

Stack the open house

Another way to maximize exposure and start a bidding war is by having your real estate agent schedule an open house for potential buyers of homes for sale in Candlewood Lake shortly after the home is listed. Having an open house full of potential buyers increases the possibility for a bidding war because buyers don’t like feeling they are missing out. Work with your agent and schedule showings back to back so that potential buyers will bump into each other on the way in and out.

Select an agent with experience in managing bidding wars

When selling your home, look for a real estate agent who has the experience and strategies to handle a bidding war. Ask about his or her experience in handling multiple bids and similar negotiations. Find out how he or she plans to communicate with all the parties involved. Choose an agent who knows how to read a financial statement and to get pertinent information from the buyer, not just whether they have a down payment or not, but other pertinent details as well.

Make your house feel inviting

When buyers come and look at a home, they want to envision themselves already living there. With so many other lakefront properties in Candlewood Lake, it is essential to make your home look comfortable. If your house is already vacant, consider renting furniture or hiring professional home stagers to decorate. Keep in mind that most buyers won’t be attracted to empty and uninviting homes.

Set a deadline for the best and the highest

Most sellers want at least two offers because working with just one gives you no leverage. Once you have two or three offers, you can now schedule a best and final bid. When scheduling a deadline, it is advisable to wait a few days after the offers start coming in. Give buyers some time to submit a second and better offer. Buyers usually may want to come back for a second look or may want to take a day or two to sweeten the offer by moving funds around or reapplying for financing.

Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeHomesforSale.com today for more home selling tips and suggestions.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Waramaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.

How to Tell If You Are Ready to Sell Your Candlewood Lake Home

How to Tell If You Are Ready to Sell Your Candlewood Lake Home


If you are thinking of selling your home to buyers of Candlewood Lake and Lake Lillinonah properties, make sure you have carefully thought about your decision. Selling your home is a serious decision that requires planning and strategy. It is also important that you are completely decided to go through with the sale. Otherwise, you might end up regretting your decision.

If you're torn between keeping your Candlewood Lake home and selling it, take heed of these top 5 signs to help you decide.

Here are some signs that will tell if you are really ready to sell your home:

  1. You are no longer attached to your home

Selling your home becomes all the more difficult if you are still emotionally attached to it. Having this strong connection to your home decreases the likelihood that you will even want to listen to your real estate agent’s advice. Although your home holds special value to you, you need to see it as a product. If you do not have any difficulty detaching yourself emotionally from your home, it’s a sign that you are ready to sell.

  1. You don’t have second thoughts about your decision

It is not always easy to make the decision to sell your home. After all, your home is more than just a piece of property; it is a place where you and your family have made special memories. However, you don’t have to make the decision on your own. By working with a trusted real estate agent who has dealt successfully with Candlewood Lake real estate, you will get the honesty and expert advice you need that will make the selling process smoother. By considering all factors and working closely with a professional, you will be able to make the best decision for you and your family.

  1. You look forward to the changes

Sellers who are not ready to part with their home will most likely resist any major change or upgrade in their home. Without these upgrades, there is a possibility that your asking price and the duration of the sale of your home could be compromised. Today, it is important for sellers to invest time and effort in making sure their home stands out from the rest of Candlewood Lake homes. If you are not willing to do so, then you really aren’t ready.

  1. Your financial situation has changed

It is time to consider selling your home if your finances have changed, for better or for the worse. If your financial situation has improved and you dream of something bigger or nicer, you may want to move up to a bigger home. If you have retired and are expecting a fixed income, it might be better to reduce your monthly mortgage payment and find a smaller home.

  1. Your home doesn’t fit your lifestyle anymore

If your current home doesn’t meet your everyday needs like it used to, it might be best to look for a new one. Perhaps you could use another bedroom to accommodate your growing family, or maybe all your kids have moved out and you are now ready to downsize. Whatever the case may be, if your home doesn’t fit your lifestyle anymore, then it is a good reason to put it on the market.

Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeHomesforSale.com today for more home selling tips and suggestions.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Warmaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.

Avoid These Costly Mistakes When Selling Your Candlewood Lake Home

Avoid These Costly Mistakes When Selling Your Candlewood Lake Home


The process of selling your Candlewood Lake waterfront home for sale could be very emotional. According to experts, one of the biggest obstacles to the successful sale of a home is a seller who is affected by his or her emotions. Home sellers who allow emotions and sentimental attachments to overtake them during the sales process usually end up making hasty, poor decisions and mistakes that could cost them a lot of money.

You will be on your way to a successful Candlewood Lake home sale if you avoid these common mistakes at all cost.

Here are the common mistakes committed by sellers when they let they get emotional during the home selling process and  how to avoid them:

  1. Overpricing your home

Your goal as a seller is to get top dollar for your property. However, buyers of waterfront homes in Candlewood Lake will not be willing to pay a premium for features that are valuable only to you. When emotions get in the way, overpricing often happens. Some sellers make the mistake of thinking that their home is special so buyers must be willing to pay more because they have also fallen in love with the property. Remember that your emotional affinity to your home has nothing to do with its price. If you insist on overpricing your home, it might stay on the market for months, or even a year. The best thing to do is consult with your real estate agent on the best price of your home based on the values of similar homes sold in the past 6 months in your area.

  1. Ignoring your agent’s advice

Experienced real estate agents know what they are doing. Work with a professional who has an excellent track record in dealing with Candlewood waterfront homes to ensure the successful sale of your home. However, if you find yourself resisting every piece of advice or suggestion from your agent like pricing, clean-up tips and repairs, it may be a sign that you are not yet ready to part with your home. It would be better to postpone listing your property if you are not yet emotionally prepared to sell your home.

  1. Pricing based on the wrong factors

Another mistake home sellers are guilty of is basing the listing price on how much money they need to fund their next home purchase. Keep in mind that the listing price should be based on the home’s fair market value. It is defined by what a qualified buyer will pay for your house at any given moment. Agents usually look at what qualified buyers have recently paid for similar homes nearby to come up with the best price of your home, this is what is called a comparative market analysis. Your agent has the proper tools and knowledge to do a comparative market analysis so don’t commit the mistake of thinking you could do it by yourself.

  1. Being present during a showing

Although there are many good reasons why a seller might want to be around during the home’s showing, it tends to spoil the experience for most home buyers. Sellers usually become sensitive when buyers point out flaws. They think that every issue is a complaint against how they fell short of taking care of the property. However, the truth is that the comments and observations from the buyers have nothing to do with the seller. The presence of the seller during an open house or showing tends to stifle prospective buyers from expressing opinions. In some cases, sellers reject offers for emotional reasons such as hearing negative feedback from the buyer.

Make sure you avoid these 4 mistakes sellers often make when they list their home for sale. Working with an experienced agent who has your best interests in mind is the key to a successful home sale.

Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeHomesforSale.com today for more home selling tips and suggestions.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Warmaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.

Why Your Lakefront Home in Candlewood Isn’t Selling

Why Your Lakefront Home in Candlewood Isn’t Selling


As a seller, it can be really frustrating to see your home sit for ages on the market while other Candlewood Lake homes are getting sold. There could be several possible reasons why people won’t buy what you are offering. Here are some common mistakes that could be hindering the successful sale of your property:

Has your Candlewood Lake home for sale been sitting in the market for quite a while now? You may want to look into these factors.

  1. Buyers can’t find your home

Most buyers looking for lakefront properties in Candlewood Lake start their search online. If your home is not listed in all the places they are looking in, you could be losing a lot of opportunities. Make sure your property is listed on major real estate sites as well as on the multiple listing service used by real estate agents.

  1. You chose the wrong agent

Your choice of a real estate agent can make or break the sale of your home. Don’t think that you are getting a better deal by choosing discount real estate services because you usually get what you pay for. Base your decision not just on fees and commissions. Choose someone who has a good track record when it comes to dealing with homes for sale in Candlewood Lake. Your real estate agent should be someone who has the drive and experience to help you sell your home. In addition to that, a good real estate agent should have a sound marketing strategy to help you sell your property at the quickest possible time and the best possible price.

  1. You haven’t started packing

Buyers might feel overwhelmed upon entering a home that is filled to the brim with furniture and other personal effects. You can avoid this scenario by planning for the move even before you put your house on the market. It is also a good idea to take all the stuff that you won’t be using for the next six months and put in a storage locker. This will help make the move easier and create more space for your home.

  1. Your home needs some work

Although there are some who may be willing to take on a project, majority of potential buyers prefer a well-tended home. This is especially true if you are asking the same price as the homes that don’t need any repairs. Before your put your home on the market, fix everything you can. You don’t want your buyers to create a running list in their head of projects they’ll need to take on should they decide to purchase your home. You want prospective buyers to focus on the home and not on how much it will cost them in repairs.

  1. You stayed for the showing

Most of the time, homeowners want to be present during showing to point things out. They believe that since it is their house, they know it better than anyone. However, it will be difficult for buyers to freely move around and comment on likes and dislikes if you are around.

Identify which reasons are hampering the sale of your home. Do the work to set them right, and you could be signing on the dotted line in no time. Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeHomesforSale.com today for more home selling tips and suggestions.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Waramaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.

5 Best Ways to Prepare Your Lake Lillinonah Home for a Spring Sale

5 Best Ways to Prepare Your Lake Lillinonah Home for a Spring Sale


For most real estate markets, spring is when it usually begins to heat up and many sellers expect to receive top dollar for their home. If you are thinking of selling your property this spring, you have to know that the competition with other sellers of Candlewood Lake and Lake Lillinonah properties will also be the strongest. The key to knocking out the competition is preparing for the spring real estate market. Check out these tips to help you get ready for a spring sale.

Prepare your Candlewood Lake home before putting it in the market this spring, here's how!

  1. Improve your home

If you want to get ready for the spring market, make some improvements that will make your property look fresher to buyers of Candlewood Lake real estate. This doesn’t mean however that you have to do a major, expensive renovation project before you sell. Try simple things such as replacing the caulk and grout in your bathroom or updating the old ceiling and light fixtures. You may also change switch plates, doorknobs, and other hardware for a clean and neat appearance. While you are at it, you may also paint your front door.

  1. Find the best real estate agent

Your choice of a real estate agent will make a big difference in how quickly your home sells and how much of a profit you’ll get. Get recommendations from family and friends, and interview several agents to see which ones have the right experience with similar Candlewood Lake homes. A real estate agent with a great marketing plan and deep local knowledge is extremely important. Select a real estate agent who can present you with a detailed market analysis.

  1. Be clear with your plans

One serious mistake sellers make is not being specific with their plans once they sell their home. Are you planning on buying another home once your property is off the market? Are you thinking of moving in with your family? Can you rent, if need be? These are the things you should consider before the spring real estate market hits. It will also be helpful to discuss your options with a local lender before you put your home for sale.

  1. Do some spring cleaning

Before showing your home to prospective buyers, you need to do some extra cleaning to make your home as presentable as possible. You want to make a great first impression on viewers so make sure you do some spring cleaning. Dust your baseboard trim and ceiling fans. Clean your appliances inside and out and wipe clean all light switches. Dust your blinds and clean the outside of all your cabinets and furniture. You may also do some paint touch-ups if it is necessary. Clean your home more than you normally do because winter has a way of making your home dingy and dirty.

  1. Take a test

Want to know if your home stands out or blends in with other homes in the area? Get in your car and drive around the neighborhood. Your property should not stand out because of a wild color. Your home should stand out because it is crisp, clean, and inviting.

Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeHomesforSale.com today for more home selling tips and suggestions.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Waramaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.

What Buyers Really Need to Know about the Home Buying Process

What Buyers Really Need to Know about the Home Buying Process


If you are seriously considering purchasing Candlewood Lake waterfront homes for sale, you need to be aware that there are several myths regarding the home buying process. The housing market has changed dramatically over the past decade and so have many of the rules of home buying. Here are some home buying myths that can lead to big mistakes:

Don't be fooled by these myths, educate yourself and make the best choices for your Candlewood Lake home.

  1. There is only one perfect house for you

It’s easy to fall in love with a property during your search for Candlewood waterfront homes. You might also get hooked on the appeal of one dream house. However, it may be wise to look for other homes if the desired property way beyond your budget. You might also need to let it go if the home presents issues such as difficult sellers or inspection problems. Avoid making the mistake of buying a house out of fear that you won’t find another one. Be realistic and you will find that good houses aren’t that rare.

  1. The mortgage process is too long and complicated

Getting a mortgage need not be too complicated. With the right resources, obtaining a mortgage and the whole home buying process can be simplified. An experienced loan officer will review the home financing process with you, define terms, and address concerns to help you find the financing option that’s right for you. Home lenders also offer a number of online resources like payment calculators, appraisal tools, and a glossary of commonly used mortgage terms to help simplify the home buying process.

  1. The three most important factors are location, location, location

Before, finding the perfect home means it had to be in a well-established community with low crime rates, good schools, and far from annoyances like airports or heavily used roads. However, some of the best deals at present may be found in neighborhoods that have yet to reach their peak. The emphasis today is on the future outlook for a location. Before shopping for waterfront homes in Candlewood Lake, keep an eye on a location’s potential for growth.

  1. You don’t need a real estate agent

While it is not impossible to manage the home buying process on your own, working with a real estate agent have more advantages. Even without a real estate agent, you will need an attorney to review the paperwork. You also have to consider that agents serve a purpose. They are more experienced that the average home buyer when it comes to negotiations. They can also perform a comparative market analysis, and set up showings, home inspections, and appraisals.

  1. Buy the worst home in the best neighborhood

Some people would say that you can fix up a bad home but you can’t clean up a whole neighborhood. However, you need to be extra cautious because bad homes can sometimes come with some serious flaws. Before making a final decision, make sure you have an engineer’s report so that you won’t end up with a bad deal. Some homeowners may not have the skills to the work themselves, nor the money to hire someone to do it for them. In the end, you may end up paying more on that fixer-upper than if you had bought a home in better condition in an up and coming neighborhood.

Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeHomesforSale.com today to see the latest homes for sale in the area.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Waramaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.

5 Secrets for Selling Your Candlewood Waterfront Home Fast

5 Secrets for Selling Your Candlewood Waterfront Home Fast


Selling your property to buyers of Candlewood Lake homes can sometimes be a long and stressful process without any assurance of success if you don’t know where to start or if you do it by yourself. The secret to selling your home fast and for top dollar is to know the tricks of the trade and who to ask for help.

Make your Candlewood Lake home ready for a successful sale, these 5 tips will help!

If you don’t want your home sitting on the market for months, follow these best tips:

  1. Sweeten the deal

One sure way to make your home more attractive to buyers of lakefront properties in Candlewood Lake is to make offers that will sweeten the deal. In a down market, buyers expect great deals on listings so make sure they know that they are getting one from you. Your home will receive more attention if you offer the buyers some credit towards closing costs or offer to pay the closing costs entirely. You can also motivate buyers by offering to close in a short amount of time. If it is possible, close on the home within 30 days to make your deal more irresistible.

  1. Make sure your home is in “move in condition”

A home that is in move in condition has a bigger chance of selling faster than other homes for sale in Candlewood Lake since most buyers want to move into their new home as soon as possible. It will also give potential buyers the impression that they will save money from repair costs since the home is move-in ready and most probably doesn’t have any major structural problems. Make sure that the doors, appliances, and electrical and plumbing fixtures are in compliance with the current building codes and in working order.

  1. Set the right price

Setting the right price for your home is one of the most important things you should do and should not leave to chance, emotion, or guesswork. The best way to do this is by consulting a local real estate agent. You may also ask friends to tour your home and weigh in as well. Don’t just settle for being the lowest priced home on the block, especially if improvements and upgrades have been done. You might end up on the losing end with this strategy. Your real estate agent can help you set a listing price based on other similar Candlewood Lake homes for sale the market.

  1. Hire a professional

Although selling your home by yourself may save you some money, having a real estate agent on your side will work to your advantage and help you avoid costly and irreversible mistakes. A real estate agent knows your local market and can help you navigate around potential financial pitfalls.

  1. Light it up

Proper lighting in and around your home can help sell it faster and for a good price. According to experts, good lighting is one of the things that buyers want in a home. Let the sunshine in by taking down the drapes, cleaning the windows, changing the lampshades, increasing the wattage of your light bulbs, and trimming the bushes outside. A home that is bright and cheery will be more sellable.

Follow these tried and tested tips to ensure the best outcome for your home for sale. Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeHomesforSale.com today for more ideas on home selling.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Warmaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.

How to Decide If a Candlewood Waterfront Home Is Right for You

How to Decide If a Candlewood Waterfront Home Is Right for You


Picking out the right home among the many Candlewood Lake and Lake Lillinonah properties can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. You will be riddled with so many questions. How do you choose the best location? What if the house has problems you can’t afford to fix?

Follow these 4 tips if you want to have the perfect Candlewood Lake home for you.

Here are some ideas to help you find the right home:

  1. Leave room to grow

From among all the Candlewood Lake properties for sale, choose a home that can adapt to your needs and major lifestyle changes. This can include having a new baby or having one of your kids move back in after college. If your present budget does not allow you to purchase a home that is large enough to meet your anticipated future needs, search for a property that will allow you to build or expand later on.

  1. Check the surroundings

You are not only getting a house when you decide to purchase a home. You also buy into a neighbourhood. Carefully consider whether the neighborhood or beach community will suit your needs. Check if you like the feel of the neighbourhood and if it offers everything you need. Remember that it is best to find a community that you will truly enjoy.

  1. Work with a trusted agent

An experienced real estate agent can help you find the right home. Your real estate agent can narrow down your search by identifying Candlewood Lake homes that meet your needs. Your agent will also arrange private showings and advise you on the specifics of the housing market and steps involved in the home-buying process. Your agent will also prepare the necessary paperwork such as the offer to purchase and represent you and act on your behalf in negotiations.

  1. Consider the future

While you think of a property as a home first and not an investment, it also pays to consider its resale value. When choosing the right home, put some thought on how easy or hard it will be to resell the home one day. You might want to skip a home that is so unlike nearby properties in terms of size, style, and price. Avoid selecting property that might become a burden someday should you want to move on.

  1. Consult with a lender

Speak with a lender or a financial planner to know your options for increasing your budget. While you are discouraged from going way beyond your means, going $10,000 above your price range when you’re financing your purchase with a 30-year fixed-rate loan will not break the bank. It will add only about $30 to your monthly payment.

  1. Trust your intuition

Trusting your intuition may seem like a less tangible way to decide if a home is right for you. However, your reactions can also help make the right choice. Most buyers form an impression in the first few seconds they walk into a house. Notice how you respond and trust your reactions. When you find yourself imagining how you will place your furniture, you are already mentally moving into a home and it is a sign that a house may be a good fit for you.

Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeCTRealEstate.com today for the latest listings in the area.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Warmaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.

How to Make House Hunting More Fun for Children

How to Make House Hunting More Fun for Children


It is important to involve children in the search for Candlewood Lake waterfront homes for sale as much as possible. Doing so will help them feel excited about finding a new home or vacation destination and lessen the stress for both you and the kids.

Enjoy the process of home hunting with your kids for your new Candlewood Lake home, follow these 6 tips!

Here are five tips for house hunting with kids:

  1. Think beyond the house

Searching for waterfront homes in Candlewood Lake can be an especially anxious time not just for adults, but for kids as well. You have to understand that these kids are being asked to leave their friends, their school, and their extracurricular activities. You can make house hunting more fun for your kids by asking your realtor to include stops at places that might interest your children. These may include parks, schools, churches, and sports fields. You might also plan side trips to allow your children to explore their new community.

  1. Help them appreciate what lies ahead

You can minimize the stress by helping your children focus on what lies ahead. You and your kids can search the internet and do some research on the place you’re moving to. You can try and find out how many people live there and the cool places to visit. You may also cut photos from old magazines to create collages of things your kids would like to see in their new home or new bedroom. While touring Candlewood waterfront homes, you may ask your children to take photos, or keep a checklist noting the best features of each home you visit. This way, your kids will feel more involved in the house hunting process.

  1. Set the rules

You can avoid problems by talking with your kids prior to viewing homes. Review a list of rules with them. Make sure the kids know that they will be going through someone else’s home. Tell them not to touch any of the seller’s stuff. Instruct them that they must treat the seller’s home with respect and be on their best behaviour. Ensure that your kids are in the same room with you at all times.

  1. Don’t drag them to every house

During the initial search, it might be better if you leave your kids at home. To minimize distractions, you can just bring them along once you have narrowed your options down to just a few houses. That way, your little ones won’t get too attached to a particular property only to be disappointed when it gets cut from list.

  1. Turn your house hunting into a road trip

Another thing that you can do to make house hunting more fun for the kids is by turning it into an exciting family event. You may arrange a few family activities in the town or neighborhood where you are visiting an open house. You may try a local eatery, a library, or a new park. This way, the kids will be encouraged to explore and see the potential in their new home and help establish a sense of belonging.

Follow these tips to make house hunting a fun experience for the kids.  Check out http://www.CandlewoodLakeCTRealEstate.com today for the latest listings in the area.

If you want to work with a real estate professional who can assist you in buying or selling Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah homes, Lake Waramaug and Lake Zoar real estate, call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, at 203-994-4297. I have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to help you close that deal.