Top 5 Tips in Selling Your Candlewood Lake Real Estate in Winter

Top 5 Tips in Selling Your Candlewood Lake Real Estate in Winter

Admittedly, the winter season may not be the most appropriate time to move to a new Candlewood Lake real estate. However, studies show that homes listed between December and March sell faster than homes listed in other months because there is less homes in the market. Furthermore, homebuyers are more motivated during the months of January and February. These tips can absolutely help you get advantage of the season when selling your home in winter.

Sell your Candlewood Lake home during winter, here are helpful tips for you!

  1. Highlight the cozy, family-friendly appeal of your home. Make sure that your home is well-preserved, the eavestroughs are cleaned, and all repairs are taken care of. Wash the walls, sidings, and windows with warm, soapy water if you cannot paint the exterior of your Candlewood Lake property.

  1. Remove all the snow at the walkway before every showing. Bear in mind that you could be liable for the damages if a visitor slips and gets hurt. Digging and shoveling the snow from your walkway is not only as a sign of courtesy but also shows that the home is well kept and is in good condition.

  1. Consider the temperature. If your Candlewood lakefront home for sale is unoccupied during the winter, ensure that the heater is turned on a few hours before the potential home buyer arrives. Light up your fireplace and let it burn while showing your home to the prospective client. Turn on all the lights to give a bright appearance. Not even the newly-dressed up window nor your perfect home staging will convince your buyer to stay if it is freezing inside.

  1. Take care of the plants. Pick a tree and adorn it to match the room where it is displayed. Ensure that the shrubs as well as the branches of the trees that were bent down with snow do not block walkways or entrances. Brush the snow off the plants or prune them, if necessary.

  1. Decorate the entryway. Embellish the entryway with lights, place a wreath on the front door, or hang a door frame on the front porch to welcome your guests and prospective home buyers. Place vase, pots, or jars on the foyer and garnish them with greens, pine boughs, sprigs of holly, or dried berries.

Make your home buyers feel the warmth and coziness of your Candlewood Lake home for sale on the day of showing. Prove to them that your home is not just pretty in the photos they found at, but that it’s also a real nesting place perfect for everyone.

Call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt now at 203-994-4297 and let me assist you with everything you need to know about selling Candlewood Lake homes. My years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with my dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.

5 Ways to Eliminate Your Candlewood Lake Home Listing from Getting Expired

5 Ways to Eliminate Your Candlewood Lake Home Listing from Getting Expired

The most frustrating thing that can happen to any home seller and real estate agent is to have a home that does not get sold. Every home that gets posted in the MLS has a certain listing period; and if the home does not sell by the end of this period, you end up with an expired listing. Having an expired listing is almost synonymous to wasting months worth of marketing which may also affect the value of your home.

Remember these 5 ways to help you get your Candlewood Lake home sold.

Nobody wants to have an expired listing! Here are five ways to ensure that your property gets sold at the soonest possible time.

  1. Hire a well-experienced Candlewood Lake real estate agent

Hiring a reputable and well-experienced real estate agent is the first logical step to avoid the painful experience of getting an expired listing. Real estate agents have the all the necessary knowledge and information to ensure that your home is priced right. They also have the proper tools and resources to market your home—from local ads all the way to online and social media marketing.

As a seller, do not hesitate to ask your agent questions like how long he/she has been selling homes, how many homes the agent has sold, the number of listings that the agent handled that expired, how long it will take for the agent to sell your home, and how your listing can compete online.

  1. Make sure that your home is priced to sell from the first day of its listing

More often than not, the primary reason why a home listing expires is its price. A prospective home buyer wants to pay only for what the local real estate market supports. A potential buyer will ignore an overpriced home, but instead, will buy other reasonably-priced Candlewood Lake homes available in the market. Putting an acceptable price tag to your home will greatly increase the chance of getting sold at the soonest possible time.

  1. Put the bells and whistles in staging your Candlewood Lake property

First impressions last! This holds true even for real estate. Whether you are preparing your home for a photo-shoot or getting ready to take in people in an open house, your home must absolutely look its best. Having a properly staged home will help attract more potential buyers and have someone fall in love with your home.

  1. Expect some surprises

When selling your home, expect the unexpected to happen to avoid ghastly feeling of getting caught with your pants down. Some things can turn up while the buyer is inspecting the home or during negotiation of the contract, and can make you very angry. An experienced real estate agent who works with you in selling the home should know how to best handle these unexpected situations.

  1. Avoid unnecessary haggling

Haggling over minute details will not be worth the trouble and may only lead to further annoyance. Or worse—a breakdown in negotiations. You do not need to win all the arguments. Save it for another time, maybe after you have closed the sale. You certainly would not want to lose a prospective home buyer even over a small percentage of the total price.

Have you been trying to sell your home but have not been getting any offers? Please visit and see how I can help you get top dollar for your home at the soonest possible time.

Call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt now at 203-994-4297 and let me assist you with everything you need to know about selling Candlewood Lake homes. My years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with my dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.

4 Tips For Buyers of Candlewood Lake Homes for Sale

4 Tips For Buyers of Candlewood Lake Homes for Sale

Buying a home could either be a dream come true or a nightmare, depending on whether the buyer was prepared before making this big purchase. If you are planning to buy a Candlewood Lake home, there are other things to consider aside from whether or not you can afford the home.

These are 4 things that you should know before buying a Candlewood Lake home.

It is always best to be prepared and gather all the important information you need before buying a home so you can make an informed decision that you won’t regret later on.

Check out these tips gathered from real estate professionals before buying a Candlewood Lake Danbury CT home:

1. Make sure that you can afford the home and other related costs. Take a good look at your overall financial situation to determine how much house you can afford. The rule of thumb is the cost of the monthly home payments should not go over 33% of your monthly income. It is highly recommended that you also use one of the online calculators to learn how you can handle your income, debts, and expenses better and how they can affect how much home you can afford.

2. Get pre-approved before you start house-hunting. It will save you the heartache of looking at houses that you cannot afford. Getting pre-approved will also put you in a better status to make a deliberate offer when you find the house you are looking for.

3. Evaluate your personal situation. Look at your financial status, your ability to pay back loans, and your capacity to send your children through college. These are the things that you should be certain of before making the decision to buy a Candlewood Lake home.

Start by checking your credit history and do all you can to increase your credit score. Obtain copies of your credit report months before you start house-hunting. Make sure that the report is accurate report any problem you may find.

4. Be ready with cash. You would need to shell out cash for the downpayment and closing costs of a Candlewood Lake home for sale.   Lenders require between 3.5% and 20% of the home’s selling price for the downpayment. If you are a veteran, you could qualify for a VA loan with 0% down. After considering the down payment, make sure you have enough cash left to cover other fees and closing costs, like appraisal fee, attorney’s fees, inspection fees, loan fees, pre-paid property taxes and other expenses.

Avoid the stress and heartache of buying a home that you will regret later on by following these tips and hiring a professional Candlewood Lake agent who can guide you through the entire process with their skill and experience in Candlewood Lake properties.

Check out to see listings of available Candlewood Lakefront homes for sale that fits your budget.

Call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt, now at 203-994-4297 and let me assist you with everything you need to know about buying or selling Candlewood properties. My years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with my dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.

9 Tips For the New Candlewood Lake Home Owner

9 Tips For the New Candlewood Lake Home Owner

Owning a Candlewood Lake home is a dream for many. Who can resist the relaxing lifestyle of living near the lake?

These are things that you can do when you have your own Candlewood Lake home.

To make your experience of living in Candlewood Lake Danbury CT truly relaxing and stress-free, there are certain things you could do after buying the home, signing the contract, and moving in.

Here are 9 practical tips for the new homeowner:

1. Avoid solicitors. As soon as you move into your new home, expect a visit from solicitors who will try to sell home insurance or other things like loans. It is important for you to recognize when your visitor is trying to sell you something. Be wise and avoid hawkers and loan offers.

2. Hire an experienced financial planner. Finances are very complex matters that so consider hiring a professional financial planner to help you track and manage your finances including your mortgage payments, insurance, and taxes. In the long run, the few hundred dollars you spend to hire a financial planner will be worth it since you will be having the peace of mind knowing your finances are growing and going in the right direction.

3. Consider refinancing. Get a refinancing while the interest rates are still low. With all the available financing options, check if refinancing for your Candlewood Lake Danbury CT home will be save you more in the long run. Learn about the benefits of refinancing, how long it will take to recoup the cost of refinancing, and how much savings you will get from it.

4. Make electronic payments. Take advantage of technology. Pay your monthly mortgage payments, insurance, and other bills electronically to avoid late or missed payments. Remember that a missed payment can lower your credit score.

5. Set aside some cash. It is a rule of thumb that everyone should have an emergency fund. You can start by saving up for at least 3 months worth of your living expenses. The ideal emergency fund should be at least six months of your living expenses to prepare for unforeseen events such as a medical emergency or loss of employment.

6. Get life insurance. Real estate experts recommend homeowners to buy a life insurance policy, instead of a mortgage insurance plan. Aside from covering your income for x number of years, a life insurance policy will also cover your assets, including your Candlewood Lake home.

7. Keep an eye on tax assessments. Part of owning a home is paying for property taxes based on the current market value of your home. It is strongly advised to regularly keep an eye at the movement of the assessment value of your home. It won’t hurt to double-check for errors, too.

8. Keep all your documents. Real estate professionals suggest homeowners keep every receipt, deed, title, and other important documents safe, organized, and accessible. Having organized documents that are ready and available for future buyers will help you sell your home at a higher price in the future.

9. Stop and smell the roses. Make your home as comfortable as possible. It should adapt to your lifestyle and be a place of peace and refuge, not stress.

Following these tips can help you enjoy living in your Candlewood Lake home and avoid buyer’s remorse, which many homebuyers experience after buying a home unprepared.

Visit for more tips about your Candlewood Lake home.

Call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt now at 203-994-4297 and let me assist you with everything you need to know about buying or selling Candlewood properties. My years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with my dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.

Don’t Make This Huge Mistake When Buying a Candlewood Lake Home!

Don’t Make This Huge Mistake When Buying a Candlewood Lake Home!

You’ve been searching for the perfect Candlewood Lake home for days and finally found it – your dream home at a price you can afford! You can’t wait to call your agent and buy it!

These are important factors that you need to consider when buying a Candlewood Lake home.

You go to your lender and get a preapproval for a home loan, which is well within your budget. You’re all set to buy the home and spend idyllic days by the lake, but your dreams are suddenly cut short when you realize that the monthly payments which you thought were within your budget have shot up to a price you can’t afford.

Most homebuyers make the mistake of looking only at the selling price of the home when computing for monthly mortgage payments and deciding whether or not they can afford the home. They overlook one very important factor that can significantly increase the amount of their monthly payments — property tax.

Homes prices may have gone down but the property taxes that come with them have not. That is why it is important to consider property taxes when computing for the monthly payments you will be making for a home before buying it so you know if you can still afford it.

It’s best to ask your Candlewood Lake home agent about property taxes on the home you are planning to buy so you will be ready for the total monthly payments won’t be shocked to see all the other costs on top of your mortgage.

This is the formula to compute for property tax:

                                          Town Assessment X Mill Rate

Annual Property Tax =  ————————————————


Towns and cities in Connecticut use 70% of the fair market value for the property assessment. However, do not be confused with the term “fair market value” and real estate market value. Real estate market value is one of the numbers used to calculate the taxes. Fair market value does not fluctuate, even between revaluations, unlike the current real estate market values.

On the other hand, the real estate mill rate fluctuates depending on the yearly budget votes. This especially applies for distressed homes or properties that have been staying on the market for quite some time.

It is the responsibility of your Candlewood Lake real estate agent to check the amount of property tax and include it in the computation of  the monthly home payments so they can inform and prepare their buyers for it.

Buyers can also contact their mortgage lender to discuss how much the monthly payment will be.

Don’t be complacent about a home’s selling price. It may seem affordable, but if you include property taxes and other costs to the monthly payment, you might think twice. Aside from property tax, you also need to factor in insurance and association fees, if any.

Knowing the costs of buying a Candlewood Lake CT home, aside from the selling price, is your responsibility so you won’t have any regrets or be shocked with the monthly payments once you have bought the home. Your real estate agent will be able to help you with this and come up with an informed decision that also suits your budget.

If you are looking a lakefront home, check out amazing lake homes for sale in Candlewood Lake CT at and experience the wonderful lifestyle that the community offers.

Call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt now at 203-994-4297 and let me assist you with everything you need to know about selling Candlewood Lake homes. My years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with my dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.

20 Tips to Save Energy in Your Candlewood Lakefront Home

20 Tips to Save Energy in Your Candlewood Lakefront Home

Help save Mother Earth. Reduce the water and energy consumption in your Candlewood Lakefront home. You can do the life-changing steps enumerated below and increase your savings.

Here are wonderful ideas in saving energy for your Candlewood Lake home for sale.

Here are some innovative and energy-efficient ways that you can do in your Candlewood Lakefront home.

  1. Repair all damaged doors and window weather-stripping.
  2. Avoid using toxins that can damage the environment. Choose stains, paints and finishes that are absolutely friendly to the environment.
  3. Install motion detectors on your porch and garden.
  4. Place programmable thermostats that will automatically adjust the temperature in the room when no one is using it.
  5. Install additional insulation to reduce heat that gets in your home. It will not only prevent 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere but also increase your savings by reducing about 25% of your energy bill.
  6. Clean your boilers, heaters, and furnaces at least once a year.
  7. Change your air filters regularly.
  8. Install low flow shower heads.
  9. Turn off the water faucet while you brush your teeth.
  10. Allow natural daylight inside your home. Construct sunrooms or replace window treatments with energy-efficient windows.
  11. Replace your old lighting fixtures with energy-efficient bulbs or compact fluorescent light bulbs.
  12. Opt out from mailing lists. Remove your name from the mailing list if you do not even bother to open it.
  13. Choose to receive your utility bills in your email. This will help reduce the trees being cut down to produce junk mail.
  14. Send mails, records, documents, and reports via email, instead of printing them on paper.
  15. Choose washing machines with ENERGY STAR rating. They consume approximately one-third of the water a standard machine would use. Furthermore, the dryer cycle complete quicker.
  16. Substitute the current power source of your Candlewood Lake real estate property with solar panels or other renewable power source.
  17. Turn off the lights each time you leave the room.
  18. Unplug your computer, TV, stereo, and other electrical appliances if you are not using them. Plug all your electrical appliances to a power strip and switch it off when you leave your house or walk out of the room.
  19. Place an insulation blanket all over your water heater to prevent 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
  20. Eat less meat and more vegetables.

Reduce your carbon footprint and give your wallet some extra cash. You can follow these simple and easy steps when you have found your dream Lakefront Home in Candlewood Lake at

Call Deborah Laemmerhirt now at 203-994-4297 and let her assist you with everything you need to know about buying or selling Candlewood properties. Her years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with her dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.

Protect Your Candlewood Lake Home from Wildfires this New Year

Protect Your Candlewood Lake Home from Wildfires this New Year

One of the causes of wildfires in lake shorelines and forests is fireworks. Wildfires can destroy your Candlewood Lake home, boats, and other property.

Here are tips on how to protect your Candlewood Lake home from wildfire.

The loss of property from fire can be prevented if Candlewood Lake home owners take the proper steps to protect their homes. Here are a few things you could do to protect your home in case of a wildfire:


            Fireworks may be a potential source of lakeshore fires. The sparks and heat coming from fireworks can easily set dune grass and dry leaves on fire.

If you plan to set off fireworks this New Year, keep away from the grass and other flammable material .

Defensible Space

            Homeowners are encouraged to have a defensible space around their Candlewood Lake or Lake Zoar real estate in order to prevent damage from wildfire. Make sure to water your plants regularly and remove dead leaves and litter.

Other flammable items like portable gas heaters, propane tanks, firewood, boats, etc. must be at least 50 feet away from the home or attached structure.

Flammable plants like conifers should not be planted within 30 feet of your property. If you bought a Candlewood Lake home for sale with existing flammable plants within 30 feet of the property, make sure to prune the lower branches to 8 feet or higher. This will prevent fire moving across the ground from igniting the lower branches.

Have a safer New Year by making sure to follow these safety precautions for your Candlewood Lake property.

If you want to learn more about buying Candlewood Lake homes for sale, visit

Call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt now at 203-994-4297 and let me assist you with everything you need to know about selling Candlewood Lake homes. My years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with my dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.

Don’t Miss These Top 10 Attractions Near Candlewood Lake

Don’t Miss These Top 10 Attractions Near Candlewood Lake

In case you are wondering what else is there to do once you settle in your Candlewood Lake home, you might be surprised at how many attractions and interesting places there are near Candlewood Lake Danbury CT.

Know the top places to visit if your in Candlewood Lake.

Don’t miss these top ten attractions in Danbury CT:

1. Candlewood Lake Town Park

200 yards of beach front for swimming on an 11-acre park complete with picnic tables, benches, a playground, and a concession stand for fun and relaxing afternoons. A boat dock is adjacent to the park.

2. Danbury Fair

Danbury Fair is one of the biggest shopping malls in CT with 200 retailers like Abercrombie & Fitch, Apple, J. Crew, Coach, and a lot more as well as restaurants.

3. Danbury Museum & Historical Society

Featuring the House of John and Mary Rider from 1785 and hatting industry exhibits in the John Dodd Shop dating back to 1790.  Laura Ingel Wilder’s daughter (Little House on the Prairie) lived and died in Danbury CT, come see what the museum has on display.

4. Danbury Railway Museum

Travel back in time with a restored 1903 train station with model railroads, vintage locomotives, displays, and a gift shop.

5. Gallery at Still River Editions

Every quarter, this contemporary art gallery features new exhibitions.

6. Military Museum of Southern New England

Features life size dioramas with military equipment and vehicles, a large collections of dioramas depicting scenes from World War II, and an exhibit of tanks and heavy equipment.

7. Sport Flying of Connecticut

Travel back to the glorious era of aviation with Seaplane rides and choose between a Piper Cub or Floats on Wheels.

8. Tarrywile Park & Mansion

A 722-acre recreation park with hiking trails, horseback trails, cross-country skiing,and special events. The Mansion is also a community center. Want to hold a small event or wedding? The mansion is available for guests up to 80 people.

9. Westside Nature Preserve

Located on the campus of Western Connecticut State University, this is a 33-acre woodland and wetland Nature trail with a diverse collection of flora and fauna.

10. Theatre and Concerts at WestConn

There is a great venue yearly at the outdoor Western Connecticut University arena.

Make these attractions part of your next vacation to your Candlewood Lake Danbury CT Home!

Check out great Candlewood Lake homes for sale at

Call Deborah Laemmerhirt now at 203-994-4297 and let her assist you with everything you need to know about buying or selling Candlewood properties. Her years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with her dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.

Advantages of Hiring a Real Estate Agent For Your Candlewood Lake Home

Advantages of Hiring a Real Estate Agent For Your Candlewood Lake Home

Both home buyers and home sellers are always recommended to hire the assistance of a real estate agent, who will help you with all the legal transactions and documents, while your Candlewood Lake home for sale is on the market.

Here are great reasons why you should hire a real estate agent for your candlewood Lake home for sale.

Here are some advantages why hiring a real estate agent is a better option than doing it on your own.

1. Real estate agents advertise on listing services.

Real estate agents advertise on various listing services, which a lot of real estate agents use to publicize homes for sale. They create advertising materials and send out postcards to prospective buyers of Candlewood Lake homes for sale on their mailing list. Real estate agents also provide an appropriate listing price to potential home buyers with its appropriate price, features, and amenities.

Furthermore, real estate agents receive offers from interested home buyers, either via email, snail mail, or in person from other real estate agents who choose to present their offer formally. Real estate agents check buyer’s mortgage pre-approval or proof of funds for a large deposit or cash transaction. This assures that your buyer is qualified to buy your home.

2. Real estate agents advise how to best present your home to prospective buyers.

Real estate evaluate the local market and compare the values of each home in the area. Therefore, they know the real value of your home and tell you the different ways how you can sell the home at a higher price.

Real estate agents have seen many homes and talked to a lot of buyers so they know how what buyers are looking for. Real estate agents offer suggestions and recommendations how you can present your home and quickly sell it. They also provide referrals to plumbers, painters, electricians, and other repair persons.

3. Real estate agents respond to questions and inquiries.

Real estate agents prepare answers to various questions and inquiries regarding your Candlewood Lake properties. They also provide documents including disclosure packets to prospective home buyers and their agents.

Real estate agents also coordinate with the prospective buyer’s agent until the end of the escrow period. They also assist in making sure that the house is available for home viewings and appraisals as well as ensuring that you are doing your share to close the sale.

Putting your Candlewood Lake home for sale takes a lot of work. It is not all glamorous. You may end up with less money because you did not price the house correctly. You could also jeopardize your security and privacy with showings. And, with all the tasks and legal documents, it is less stressful if you hire a real estate agent from who will do the job for you.

Call Deborah Laemmerhirt now at 203-994-4297 and let her assist you with everything you need to know about Candlewood Lakefront homes for sale. Her years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with her dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.

4 Easy Ways To Keep Your Candlewood Lake Home Safe While You Are Away

4 Easy Ways To Keep Your Candlewood Lake Home Safe While You Are Away

If you own or are planning to buy a Candlewood Lake home for sale as a second home or vacation property, you probably can’t wait to spend as much time in it as possible to escape the stress and noise of the city life.

Here are tips in keeping your Candlewood Lake home safe and secured.

Second homes provide a relaxing escape from the stress and noise of the city in a tranquil and peaceful place surrounded by nature and breathtaking views.

However, being a temporary resident in your Candlewood Lake home could also pose some safety problems and maintenance issues for you or the future homeowner, if you intend to sell it later on.

It can be a difficult task to maintain the security of your home while you are not there. Unlike your primary residence, a second home does not have the security of daily activity and presence of people to act as an automatic safeguard against theft and vandalism. The minute you leave your Candlewood Lake property after a vacation or the holidays, your home is at threat.

Here are some important things you could do to keep your Candlewood Lake Danbury CT home safe and secure while you are away:

1. Place automatic lights that have a timer or switch on when it gets dark. Having interior lights that turn on regularly on timers could also give the appearance of activity in the home and discourage burglars from breaking in. Have a kitchen lamp turned on automatically in the evening or a bedroom lamp turned on every night.

2. If you have a neighbor in Candlewood Lake, ask them if they could drive by your home occasionally to check the property. If they know your routines and patterns, they can easily notice if anything looks out of place and notify you immediately.

3. Install a security system. This may be a bit costly to install but the monthly or quarterly payments for the service are usually inexpensive. When choosing a security company to install a security system in your Candlewood Lake home, be sure to choose one that will dispatch police if a break-in occurs.

4. If you will not be in your home on a regular basis, it is important to keep it regularly cleaned and maintained so it can be readily enjoyed anytime you arrive or if you are selling your home, it can be ready for showing any time. You can hire a cleaning service to clean your Candlewood Lake home in between visits and to protect the interior from mold and dust. Another benefit of having regular cleaners in your home is it will let intruders know the home is well cared for by the owners.

Keeping your Candlewood Lake home safe and secure with these tips will give you peace of mind even if you are away and will also boost its value in case you plan to resell it. Buyers are more attracted to homes with safety features in place.

If you plan to sell your Candlewood Lake home, read about “How to Stage Your Candlewood Lake Home for Sale” at

Call me, Deborah Laemmerhirt now at 203-994-4297 and let me assist you with everything you need to know about Candlewood Lake Homes For Sale. My years of experience as a preeminent real estate professional in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Bridgewater, Roxbury, Washington, Weston, Westport, Southbury, Kent, Sherman, Easton, and Bethel, CT, combined with my dedication to providing the finest service will make it easier for you to find your dream home in Connecticut.